
All events in one place

We are on a mission to help you get an overview of what's happening where you live.

Join 150+ Arendal users!
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Share... and discover

We are on a mission to help you get an overview of what's happening where you live. Join the community to add, save, and share your events and favorite places.


Build maps

Add, save, and organize all your favorite places in a simple and beautiful map.


Find events

Create, discover and save events happening locally or when travelling.



Find places, events, and discover the map of other users using search.


User friendly

Places is a web application that is designed to function on any device.



Places is free! Subscriptions available for organizations that need more functionalities.


No ads

We will never run ads on Places. We are here to inspire you to get out and explore.

How does it work?


Step 1. the Places map

Use the map to find places and events locally, or when travelling. Places are sized depending on factors such as popularity, weather, and your interests.

Step 2. Click for info

Click on any place to find more information, including directions, hyperlinks and photos. Tap like to save a place to your own map (requires an account).

Step 3. Create an account

Anyone can create an account. It is free, and you can delete it at anytime. Simply go to places.nu/signup/ to create an account

Step 4. Search everywhere

With an account, you will be able to search all the places and descriptions added on the platform.

Step 5. Be inspired by others

Discover the maps and places of other users by clicking on their account profile.

Step 6. Add your own!

To add your own places, simply click on the big + button. Choose a location, add a name, and submit! You can add a description and photo by editing the place.

Any questions?
Check out the FAQs

Still have unanswered questions and need to get in touch?

In Arendal, it's not easy to get an overview of all the exciting places and events happening. The information landscape is very fragmented. We believe this is true for many other communities too. When you sit at home, if it's easier to watch videos on your phone than to go out and meet new people because you don't know where to go, you will probably end up watching videos.

This is the problem Places is solving for. It's a digital product to help you find things to do locally or when travelling, in a fun, beautiful, and simple way.

For now, yes. The map covers Grimstad to Tvedestrand, with a focus on Arendal. This is the perfect place for us to build. We live here, we have a network, and it is easy for us to gather feedback from users.

We are in discussion with partners in adjacent towns, as well as Bergen, and Tofino (Canada) to open the map there. If you are interested in using Places in your location, don't hesitate to contact us. We are moving fast!

Places and its default features will always be free and free of ads. If we build a product people love, we believe there will be opportunities for us to generate enough revenue to sustain the project by delivering premium features and support.

But first, we need to make a product people love. ❤️

Yes! Places is available in norsk and english.
